Monday, 13 April 2009

Planet of the slightly disappointing

The Doctor! Lee Evans! Thingy off Eastenders! Finally, it's time for the first of this year's Doctor Who specials!

Things I liked:
  • The desert planet (i.e. Dubai) was absolutely gorgeous.
  • Lee Evans' mad scientist was actually kind of fun, which was unexpected.
  • Flying bus = awesome.
  • The swarm of metal cuttlefish looked cool.
Things I didn't like:
  • Michelle Ryan can't act. And her character was really annoying.
  • The whole 'I'm posh, therefore it's OK to steal' thing. Please.
  • The fly aliens being killed off so casually.
  • The psychic foreshadowing stuff is getting a bit old now.
Elsewhere on the net, I've seen people comment that Lady Christina, or whatever her name was, should have been able to understand the fly aliens' language, because she was with the Doctor. I don't think that's necessarily the case, because it's the Tardis that does the translation magic, and it was stuck back on Earth. That's not to say there weren't plenty of other plot holes, of course, but it's Doctor Who - and not only that, but an RTD episode - so what else can we expect.

In general, it wasn't great, but to be honest I've got a bit bored of Doctor Who over the last couple of series: it's not been that bad, but it just hasn't engaged me the way Torchwood (which, objectively speaking, is significantly more rubbish) has. I am, though, looking forward to the next full series, once Steven Moffat takes over, because he's the one responsible for most of the really outstanding episodes in DW: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances and Blink in particular.

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